15 Feb 25. 7-11pm
3 Bands:
Fluff, Apple of Basilisk,
Legion The Infernal Outlaw
All Ages. No Cover
Wednesday December 4th
We welcome Ed Brisson back into the store to sign copies of
The Displaced Tradepaperback,
The series was a massive success and it is great
to have Ed back in for the release of this collection
Be here then!
Every week we have multiple
Magic The Gathering in store events.
On most weeks the schedule is:
Tuesday - Modern 6:30-End
Wednesday - Standard 6:30- End
Thursday - Commander 5:30-11pm
Friday - Draft 6:30-10pm
Saturday- Auxilliary Commander
Drop-In All Day!
Keep up to date with us
on our Facebook page or on
the MTG Companion Application
for all the events in the area!