Worlds Collide
80 Simcoe Street North | Oshawa, Ontario | 905-436-8999

Welcome to Worlds Collide

Feeding your imagination since 1982!



15 Feb 25. 7-11pm
3 Bands:
Fluff, Apple of Basilisk,
Legion The Infernal Outlaw

All Ages. No Cover



Every week we have multiple
Magic The Gathering
in store events.

On most weeks the schedule is:
Tuesday - Modern 6:30-End
Wednesday - Standard 6:30- End
Thursday - Commander 5:30-11pm
Friday - Draft 6:30-10pm
Saturday- Auxilliary Commander
Drop-In All Day!

Keep up to date with us
on our Facebook page or on
the MTG Companion Application
for all the events in the area!